Rosh Chodesh Teachings @ Acts II Ministries
Every Appointed Time with God is unique and was designed by Him to accomplish different redemptive purposes in our lives! As we celebrate every new month (Rosh Chodesh), we grow strong and bear fruit as our roots drink from the river of life, eating at the Lord's appointed times. (See Luke 12:42 and Eccl. 10:17). As we celebrate each month, we are literally "Dining with the King". (1 Sam 20:5)
Celebrating Rosh Chodesh is also a powerful prophetic act that is beautifully characterized in a dream given to Robert Stearns in 2007. "When we understand the times and seasons of God, month by month by the lunar calendar; "God says that the bridal love of God is going to be released into the created order in this hour, the bridal love of Jesus and His Church, Israel and the nations; the power of God coming and marrying His bride, will be released. Time itself is going to realign and shift. You are the 'tip of the spear' of a generational shift that is happening in the nations right now; you are a forerunner company being entrusted with a pioneer message to go into the place that even the shifting of the calendars of the times and seasons comes... we begin to come into a covenantal alignment with heaven, we worship according to the rhythms of heaven... and it motivates us to obedient exploits that demonstrate and release and manifest the Glory of God in the earth."
Occurs ONCE a month, typically begins with a lunch or dinner. Followed with a worship, and a teaching.
For more information, email us at AIIM@ActsIIministries.org